onsdag den 25. april 2007

Starting out

Hi everyone. This is Evangelos Mylonas, the director and writer of Demento. My producing buddy, Kasper Møller, and me decided to set up this blog to communicate with you guys about our movie, films, and anything you fancy.

Demento is a short film we decided to put together. The premise is a young girl suffering (you guessed it) from dementia that one day wakes up to find herself locked in her apartment with no means of communicating to the outside world. Maria Brønnum, theatre actress and a good friend of mine, is staring and the film will open at this year's Action/Cut short film festival in the US. There is some thought of putting the film online for all to watch free of charge on our official website, but that will have to wait.

I bid thee farewell for now. In the meantime, check out Sunshine (www.sunshinedna.com), the new film by Danny Boyle, one of my favourite directors. His camerawork and pacing is genius and he is trully one of the masters of the medium. Cheers

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